ICYMI: Bearing Drift’s Weekend Roundup

It’s the weekend and time to catch up with all the great Bearing Drift posts you may have missed. Pour yourself a cup of coffee and enjoy the weekend roundup.

The Score: John Bolton, Cold War, Inclusive Economy, Ninth Amendment by Rick Sincere

Wreaths Across America … Remembering America’s Fallen Heroes by Lynn R. Mitchell

Tucker: Republicans Need Their Mojo Back, an Op-Ed by Steven Brodie Tucker

The End of the Weekly Standard by D.J. McGuire

As a Shutdown Looms, a Reminder that Trump Already Turned Down a Border Wall Deal. Twice. by Stephen Spiker

Cleaning House at RPV by Matt Colt Hall

Historic: A Son Who Served as President Eulogized His Dad Who Was President by Lynn R. Mitchell

Exposed: Albemarle’s Open Classroom Fiasco and Grade-Rigging Scheme by Rob Schilling

Toffee for Christmas by Lynn R. Mitchell

Christmas Fudge by Lynn R. Mitchell

The daily U.S. House agenda and committee activity schedules are included when Congress is in session. For all the latest posts all the time check out Bearing Drift’s Latest News.

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