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31 Days of October, Day 31

Halloween 13

It’s a mild evening in the Shenandoah Valley as darkness falls with temps in the low 60s and a slight breeze, the jack-o-lanterns are glowing, and we’re waiting for neighborhood goblins to visit. Not to worry … we have lots of treats to ward off the tricks.

For years I’ve blogged about our Halloween visitors so tonight is no different. With “Hocus Pocus” on TV and a fall supper, we’re in our annual routine.

5:30: Our first trick-or-treaters showed up, came in the house, and hugs all around. It was our son and his wife who stopped by to visit for a while so they were here when the first little ones arrived. There were sweets for them when they went home because, no matter how old our kids are, they’re never too old for Halloween treats.

Halloween 12

6:15: Up-the-street neighbors came around just before dark with their two young sons. Mom and Dad were in costume as they are each year, and the boys were already energized from sugary treats as they raced around the yard while the grown-ups yakked. One scary Dracula and one Marvel character. Treats for all!

6:50: Three neighbor kids — two sisters and a best friend — were a delight. One was a scarecrow with her two companions. There used to be more from this family but the two oldest have now married, and their brother is in high school. Treats for all!

Halloween 11

7:55: Yay — more kids! A four-year-old unicorn and a six-year-old royal lady-in-waiting with their parents — our new neighbors who just moved in up the street and wanted to meet up with some of the neighbors. It’s so dark that they came down on their four-wheel drive Gator — headlights helped in the inkiness. Friendly newcomers and great to have another family with little ones. Treats for all, even Mom and Dad!

8:15: We’re still waiting to see if anyone else shows up. There’s way too much candy left over so we need to send it out the door. Need more trick-or-treaters!

Meanwhile, I’m on Facebook “talking” with friends far and near. It’s fun to hear from one of the former young Virginia bloggers who now is married, has a little boy, and lives in Texas. She was saying by 7:00 their time they hadn’t had any trick-or-treaters because it was raining there.

A twenty-something Facebook friend in Memphis, one I met during the Mitt Romney campaign, noted the same — storms were keeping her little goblins away on a night when she usually saw about 250 but only 40 so far tonight. Wow … can you imagine 250?

8:40: We’re closing up shop. Without any little ones for the past 40 minutes, I think that’s it for this year. Seven is about our average. As Mr. Mitchell came in from extinguishing the jack-o-lanterns, he laughed because the first trick-or-treaters, brothers, who were already on a sugar rush at 6:15 could be heard up the street chasing each other around their yard, peals of laughter coming through the darkness. It made me think of all the teachers tomorrow at school.

Happy Halloween!

Photos by Lynn R. Mitchell