Norfolk Republicans Fired Up to Reelect Scott Taylor

As the crisp air of autumn blew over the Chesapeake Bay, Norfolk Republicans came together for their Seafood Social at the beautiful Bayfront Club in East Beach.

About 170 patriots from across Hampton Roads came to support the Norfolk GOP’s reemergence and the reelection of Congressman Scott Taylor. The crowd was filled with familiar faces of those involved years ago but had not been involved in the party since the campaign of Norfolk’s beloved Thelma Drake, as well as, a new diverse crowd of the up and coming generations.

It was the event of the year for Norfolk Republicans and the positive energy was overwhelming.

Many times in politics there are candidates that get involved in the party and then run for office, but do not win the race.  How many times have we seen candidates run unsuccessfully and are never to be seen again?

It is patriots that love their community like Wayne Coleman and Richard Ottinger that came out to support their local party Sunday with both moral and financial support.  Wayne held a sponsors reception at his home prior to the event with leaders like Governor Bob McDonnell, Congressman Scott Taylor, Senator Frank Wagner, Delegate Chris Stolle, Delegate Glenn Davis, future Delegate Rocky Holcombe, Major General Bert Mizusawa, former city councilman Randy Wright, and a home packed with Norfolk’s finest.

As the sponsor’s reception closed the Bayfront Club was rocking away with attendees listening to southern rock and roll, eating jumbo shrimp, fresh oysters, and playing cornhole. This was a pure grassroots effort made successful through the efforts of the members of the Norfolk GOP.

Everyone came together as a team and pitched in with the goal of growing the Republican Party of Norfolk. Events like these are important to bring new people into the party, raise funds for our cause, and reward our members with a fun afternoon of fellowship.

Sponsor Reception hosted by Wayne Coleman
Congressman Taylor, Trish Jones, Willie Jones
Steve Kondracki

Congresswoman Thelma Drake, Jim Shaw
Congressman Taylor with friends of Anne Cabacoy
Evida Hutchison hearing words of wisdom from Governor McDonnell
Governor Bob McDonnell
Portsmouth Tea Party leader Nelson Vazquez taking with Chairman of Isle Kc Wight Bill Coburn and 3rd District Chair Jennifer Lee

Laura Combs,Congressman Taylor, Aaron Combs, Cole Trower
Anne Cabacoy with friends of Fil-Am Cag
Congressman Taylor, Roger Williams and his daughter
Helen Massad, Rev. Adrianne Black
Congressman Taylor, Taylor-Morgan McDaniel, Darian McDaniel

Dan Hayworth (LA for Former Sen. Rerras), Bert Mizusawa, Senator Frank Wagner, Cole Trower, Randy Wright, Delegate Chris Stolle, Wayne Coleman, Congressman Taylor

Congressman Taylor, Jim Shaw

Congressman Taylor, Maj. Gen. Bert Mizusawa, Peck Seader
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