ICYMI: Bearing Drift’s Weekend Roundup

It’s the weekend and time to catch up with all the great Bearing Drift posts you may have missed. Pour yourself a beverage of your choice and enjoy the weekend roundup.

The Score: Dave Brat, Abigail Spanberger, Joe McCarthy, Impeachment Power by Rick Sincere

Be Welcoming vs Welcomed by Jason Kenney

In the End, the World Will Break Your Heart by Shaun Kenney

VPAP Baffled by Media’s Blurry Lines by James A. Bacon

The Real Reason Why Amazon Is the Future by James A. Bacon

The Virginian Who Shaped the Supreme Court Into a Constitutional Powerhouse by Norman Leahy

31 Days of October, Day 19 by Lynn R. Mitchell
Day 18
Day 17
Day 16
Day 15
Day 14

The daily U.S. House agenda and committee activity schedules are included when Congress is in session.

For all the latest posts all the time check out Bearing Drift’s Latest News.

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