The Spotswood High School Youth In Government Club (YIGC) will host the first 6th Congressional debate between Democratic candidate, Ms. Jennifer Lewis, and Republican candidate, Mr. Ben Cline.
The club’s sponsor, Mr. Emmett Sheahan, will serve as moderator of the debate. Students from the four Rockingham County high schools will each submit five questions for consideration. The SHS YIGC will choose eight of the twenty questions to be asked at the debate.
Both candidates will receive an advanced copy of the twenty potential questions, but neither will know in advance which eight will be chosen. The four officers of the SHS YIGC will ask two questions each, one to each candidate. Candidate speaking order will be selected by lottery (draw cards #1 or #2).
Each candidate will be granted three (3) minutes for opening remarks. After opening remarks, candidate question and response order will rotate, with the first question going to the candidate who spoke second in the opening remarks.
Candidates receiving the question will have three (3) minutes to respond. The opposing candidate will then have three (3) minutes to respond to the same question. The receiving candidate will then be granted an additional one (1) minute to rebut or clarify statements made by their opponent on said question.
Questions will continue to rotate, with each candidate having an equal number of questions directed to them. Closing remarks will be given in the same order as the opening remarks, with each candidate granted three (3) minutes to speak.
This event is free and open to the public.
Note from the event planners: The County is asking that campaigns, campaign volunteers, and non-affiliated parties abstain from handing out campaign materials inside and outside of the school. Signs are fine, but no materials should be offered or distributed on school grounds. We appreciate your cooperation with this request.
6th District Congressional Debate
Monday, September 17, 2018
10:00-11:30 a.m.
Spotswood High School Auditorium
368 Blazer Drive
Penn Laird, VA 22846