Norfolk GOP Discusses Brett Kavanaugh

With Summer in full swing, the hottest topic in politics is the retirement of Judge Anthony Kennedy from the U.S. Supreme Court.

In hopes of gaining a better understating of who Republican SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh really is and the future of the court, the Norfolk Republican Party scheduled Professor Brad Jacob to speak. Jacob is a Constitutional Law Professor at Regent University School of Law and is a frequent analyst on legal matters. He has made regular appearances on the local talk radio station WNIS and has spoken throughout Hampton Roads on judicial cases.

Jacob highlighted Judge Kavanaugh’s impressive resume, fair minded approach, and the praise he has received from even his more liberal judicial colleagues as a man of integrity.

As the conversation continued, Professor Jacob highlighted several prominent court cases involving religious liberty, immigration, and gerrymandering. A period of Q and A followed with attendees diving deeper into a variety of legal issues. Professor Jacob proved to be an informative and thought-provoking speaker who was thoroughly enjoyed by all in attendance.

Unfortunately, in the last several years Norfolk Republican Committee’s membership had dropped into the teens and the meetings were sparsely attended. This has all changed as evident in the new positive energy throughout the committee. The Norfolk GOP is growing and is now up to 49 voting members. This is a huge accomplishment considering the all-time membership high was 62 voting members in 2009 under Chairman Pam Brown. It’s possible that record may be broken this fall.

The Norfolk GOP will meet again for breakfast on August 4th with former Virginia Pilot columnist Kerry Dougherty, and the next business meeting will be August 15th with Wes Fisher from the American Legislative Exchange Council.

David O’Kelly

JP Morgan, 2nd District Chairman Dennis Free

Steve Kondracki, Johnathan Gaynor, Titanya Gaynor

Zach Taylor of Scott Taylor Campaign

Cole Trower, Norfolk GOP Chairman

Bob Spano
2nd District Chairman Dennis Free

Sandra McNulty, 2nd District Chairman Dennis Free, SCC Member Bill Curtis, Kathleen Abdemessiah, Bob Brown, Charlie Thesz, Rev. Adrianne Black

Cover photo: Professor Brad Jacob

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