Norfolk Republican Women Make a Comeback

The Virginia Federation of Republican Women (VFRW) is an important organization that leads the way to help our Republican candidates win elections.

The VFRW brings Republican Women together not only for campaigning but also community goodwill, as is noted in the Barbara Bush Literacy Drive, where books are collected and donated to charity. In many localities you will find it is the Republican Women who ensure progress is made for our conservative values.

The Norfolk Republican Women’s Club was once a proud and mighty force in Hampton Roads, helping to elect our beloved former Congresswoman Thelma Drake and State Senator Nick Rerras. It was grassroots leaders like Pam Brown and Ceci Budimier who ensured the job got done and Republican candidates had support throughout the city. They hosted candidate debates, fundraisers, and had regular business meetings. Over the years the club dissolved from its former glory and went extinct.

A push was made to restart the organization with new positive leadership. After a lot of planning and hard work, we are proud to see the Norfolk Republican Women’s Club has made a comeback! The meeting was held at a local restaurant in the Ghent area of the City where a room full of patriotic women gathered to form their new organization.

They are led by Sharon Voogd who is also the communications chair of the Republican Party of Norfolk. Sharon has a strong background in organizing and events. She understands what it takes to run a campaign after helping her husband Michael Voogd run for Norfolk Treasurer last year so she is a good fit to lead the club.

Chartering with the VFRW is intensive and it takes a lot of help to get the ball rolling. Long time Republican stalwart Catherine Colgan of Virginia Beach Republican Women, 3rd District VFRW Rep Lou Call of Hampton Roads Republican Women, Princess Anne Republican Women President Cindy Free, and 2nd District VFRW Rep Chelle Davis of Princess Anne all worked to get the club up and running. The teamwork of these Republican ladies was encouraging to see and once the club is officially chartered a celebration will be in order! Stay tuned for the upcoming developments coming from the Norfolk Republican Women.

Top photo: Kathleen Abdemessiah, Zach Taylor of Taylor Campaign
Bottom photo: Courtney Hutcheson, Claudia Souther
Cover photo: Sharon Voogd speaks to the club

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