Live Blog: Tom Garrett Press Conference

12:27 Tom Garrett, the Congressman from Virginia’s 5th district, is expected to address rumors of his resignation or re-election campaign at a liveblog today on Facebook at 12:30. Follow along as we keep you updated.  The Facebook Live event is scheduled to begin at 12:30 and is being hosted on his campaign page and not his Congressional page:

12:30: No FB Live yet. House has adjourned, so waiting on Tom. Press event is in front of the Indian Gaming Association building at 224 Second St SE.

12:34: Jenna Portnoy from the Post is in attendance, and Alana Austin from CBS 19.  WDBJ 7 is present.

12:38: Still no sign of Tom.

12:42: Waiting on Tom.

12:44: Senator Bryce Reeves is in attendance.

12:48: Garrett invited the press indoors to watch the announcement, so we should get started soon.12:52: Ryan Nobles from CNN is there. We are waiting for a lectern.

12:52: Live now:

12:56: Giving a history of his legislation he’s passed and bills he’s worked on so far in Congress.

12:59: “That was my bill. I did that. Incredible.”

1:00: Discussing aiding Sudanese refugees.

1:02: “The pinnacle of my time in Washington.”

1:03: “Before I leave here…”

1:05: “Our jobs are to serve. I am here to serve people.”

1:07: “Let’s talk about the political climate for a minute. Folks who use hyperbolic vitriol are a cancer.”

1:08: “I shouldn’t let this stuff get to me.”

1:09: “We are imperfect people. Jefferson did imperfect things but had good ideas.”

1:11: “This is what I know. This is what I believe.”

1:12: Yesterday in frustration, I said “I don’t know if I want to do this.”

1:13: There’s no way in hell I will not be back in 2019.”

1:14: “I am absolutely, positively running for reelection.”

1:16: “My Chief of Staff wasn’t fired. By definition he wasn’t fired. Sometimes in life you decide to do different things.”


Rep. Tom Garrett (R-Va.) affirms he will continue reelection bid by Jenna Portnoy, Washington Post

Garrett in turmoil, might quit Congress by Alex Isenstadt, Politico

Cover photo by Rick Sincere. State Senator Bryce Reeves talks with Congressman Tom Garrett at Thursday’s press conference.

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