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June Primary Ballot Order Determined by Random Drawing

The Virginia State Board of Elections drew names this week to determine the order of candidate names on the June 12 primary ballots.

GOP U.S. Senate candidates (will challenge Democratic incumbent Tim Kaine):

-Corey Stewart
-Nick Freitas
-E.W. Jackson

U.S. House of Representatives (10th Congressional District):

-Shak Hill
-Barbara Comstock (incumbent)

-Lindsey Davis Stover
-Jennifer Wexton
-Paul Pelletier
-Alison Friedman
-Dan Helmer
-Julia Biggins

U.S. House of Representatives (6th Congressional District — open seat being vacated by retiring Bob Goodlatte):

-Sergio Coppola II
-Jennifer Lynn Lewis

Even though a primary will be held for Democrats in the 6th District, the Republican Committee chose to hold a convention on May 19 to elect their nominee from eight candidates:

-Ben Cline
-Mike Desjadon
-Cynthia Dunbar
-Charles (Chaz) Haywood
-Ed Justo
-Kathryn Lewis
-Elliot Pope
-Douglas Wright

Some local elections will take place in May for city councils and other positions. More information can be found at the Virginia Department of Elections website [1].

The General Election will be held on November 6, 2018.