Foster: There’s No Question Kirk Cox is a Republican

By Peter Foster

There has been a great deal of focus recently over the decision by Speaker-Designee Kirk Cox to provide House of Delegates employees with 12 weeks of paid family leave upon the birth or adoption of a child, and to propose that all state government employees receive those same benefits. If adopted, this will give Virginia the most generous family leave policy of any state government in the nation.

Some have expressed disagreement with this proposal. Rather than call fellow Republicans, with whom I happen to disagree on a particular issue, names such as RINOs, Socialists, Democrats, or other insults I can think of off the top of my head, I want to respectfully state why I agree with Speaker Designee Cox.

The Commonwealth of Virginia is an employer. To succeed, it needs to attract quality employees. The fact is, many, and quite possibly most, state employees could make more money in the private sector. That’s fine. That’s the way it should be. Private enterprises seek to make a profit, so they should have the ability to pay their employees more than the public sector.

In order to attract quality individuals of high character to public service, and retain them, state government needs to offer good incentives. One such incentive is creating as pro-family a work environment as possible.

Kirk Cox’s proposal is something that will help those who feel called to pursue careers in public service, with all the rewards and sacrifices that entails, to be able to work in a family friendly atmosphere and feel appreciated and valued. I’m glad he wants Virginia to be a national leader in this area.

Family leave is an issue all employers, public and private, need to figure out as to what policy is best for them (which is why there is no talk of mandating this policy for the private sector), and where all prospective employees need to evaluate what is best for themselves and their families. Those are decisions that will be taken that into consideration when deciding where to work. This proposal will make it easier for those who wish to pursue public sector careers to do so.

Peter Foster lives in Chesterfield County. He has been active for many years in the Republican Party and has managed or worked in a very large number of campaigns all over Virginia as well as in other states.

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