Three Hurricanes and North Korea Should Be Trump’s Concerns, Not NFL

Colin Kaepernick has a right to take a knee during football games as the National Anthem is played.

Donald Trump has a right to be critical of Colin Kaepernick’s position.

Do I agree with either of them?


But that is the beauty of America — free speech and all that First Amendment buzz.

And then Trump had to double down and tweet out about Stephen Curry’s comments concerning visiting the White House. One person’s opinion set him off, again.

Call me old fashioned. Call me old school. I don’t care, but in my opinion it is beneath the dignity of the President of the United States to publicly weigh in on such mundane concerns — mundane when put up against far more important and dangerous issues:

I know I’m not alone in this although Trump’s supporters, among them friends, will defend him to the nth degree. In my opinion it gives a sense of embarrassment for our country, and my party, every time this president demonstrates his lack of diplomacy and tact.

As a result of the latest dust-up, the sports world is responding as well as everyday Americans.

When all is said and done, the bottom line is that Donald Trump represents America to the world. Colin Kaepernick does not.

See also Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Outrage and First Amendment Protects Kneeling in Church and Football Field.

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