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Happy Birthday, Lieutenant Governor John Hager

John Hager 4 [1]
Former Virginia Lieutenant Governor John Hager with then-7th Congressional District Chairman Linwood Cobb … 2014.

Today we are sending birthday greetings to former Lieutenant Governor John Hager, one of the hardest working Republicans in Virginia who also served as Chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia.

Mr. Hager travels all over the Commonwealth, attending GOP events, working with grassroots leadership, and supporting candidates. This businessman has also served in the post-9/11 Office of Commonwealth Preparedness, and in 2004 President George W. Bush appointed him an assistant secretary of education, overseeing special education and rehabilitative services.

Together with wife Maggie, they are in-laws to the 43rd President of the United States, George W. Bush, and former First Lady Laura Bush. Their son Henry is married to the President Bush’s daughter Jenna who have given them two granddaughters, Mila and Poppy.

In April 2017 the Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership at the University of Virginia honored John Hager [2], the long-time public servant and long-time Sorensen board member, during their Spring Gala.

Here are just a few of the many photos I have taken of the Lieutenant Governor at GOP events throughout the years with a sincere thanks for all he has done to advance the causes we all believe in. This year I have also included photos from the Sorensen event.

With many thanks for his years of service to Virginia — happy birthday, John Hager!

John Hager 9U.S. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s 7th Congressional District Republican Round-Up

With Trixie Averill and Mike Thomas at 2016 RPV Convention

John Hager 8 [3]With the late Tucker Watkins, 5th Congressional District chairman.

John Hager 7 [4]

John Hager 6At Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s Annual Breakfast

John Hager 5 [5]Many of these photos took place at the annual Republican Roundups that were hosted by Congressman/Majority Leader Eric Cantor and the 7th Congressional District volunteers. The event regularly pulled out thousands to the Snag-a-Job grounds in Glen Allen.


John Hager 2 [6]With former Vietnam Prisoner of War Paul Galanti at one of the RPV state conventions in Richmond (2009, I think).

John Hager 1 [7]With then-11th Congressional District Chairman Becky Stoeckel.

John Hager 10 [8]With Chesterfield Sheriff Karl Leonard.


With State Senator Emmett Hanger


With Jenni Aulgur


With Ray LaMura



With John Murray and Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney


With Delegate Rich Anderson

Background: Washington Post — A Union of Families, Politics, and Society [13]

Photos by Sorensen, Bill Bolling, John Murray, Lynn R. Mitchell