Trump’s Afghanistan Speech, House Majority Leader’s Response

It was a perfect example that governing is different than campaigning, or perhaps that saying one thing to get elected morphs into something else once in office (see Trump’s years of tweets calling for U.S. to leave Afghanistan).

In Monday night’s speech President Donald Trump reversed years of publicly and harshly criticizing previous presidents when he declared that they were wrong in their policy of Afghanistan, and his determination that America should withdraw troops from Afghanistan.

Trump’s speech announced to the nation that more American soldiers were going to be sent onto the battlefield.

Following Trump’s speech Monday night regarding Afghanistan, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) commented:

“There is no substitute for American leadership. I applaud the Trump Administration for refocusing our military efforts and supporting our brave warfighters by laying out a strategy that will help produce a more secure, stable, and sovereign Afghanistan. I am confident of the path ahead, and will work with my colleagues to ensure our troops have the resources they need to succeed in their mission. This framework for action is the right thing to do for Afghanistan, the United States, and the world.”

Fox News: Transcript of Trump’s announcement.

Background info: The Washington Post – Trump announces new strategy for Afghanistan that calls for a troop increase

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