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Celebrating Former LG Bolling’s 60th Birthday at Final ‘Burgers With Bill’

[1]Former Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling and Jean Ann Bolling welcomed and thanked everyone for attending “Burgers With Bill” to celebrate his 60th birthday. They are two classy people. Many thanks for bringing together the large crowd of Republican friends for an evening of fellowship, laughter, and happy memories. A picture, they say, is worth a thousand words. Here are many photos from the evening’s fun.



[4]Trixie, Donald Williams, Nancy Williams

Dolores Switzer, Dexter Gains, Michael Thomas

Mike and Trixie ganged up on me! I had to raise my camera in defense. LOL. They have both proven good sports throughout the years about being the target of my lens so I deserved it from these long-time Republicans who have spent years working for the party.

Senator Jill Vogel, who won Tuesday’s Republican primary for Lieutenant Governor, stopped by to visit.





Jeff Schapiro (Richmond Times-Dispatch political guru), Dr. Bob Holsworth (former VCU political professor who taught my sister), Jim Nolan (former Richmond Times-Dispatch political writer who now serves as spokesman for RVA Mayor Levar Stoney).











Jon Comer who drove over from Luray.









Lynn Fairchild Martin and Mike.


Ted Brown





Lush cupcakes [35]! Matt and Rachel Bolling shared some goodies from their boutique cupcake bakery that specializes in alcohol-infused desserts, except these were the Shirley Temple version. LOL. Yummy!











































The Old Dogs New Tricks Bluegrass Band

My Bill and Missy’s Shaun.

Photos by Lynn R. Mitchell