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Exciting Changes Coming to VLM and Bearing Drift

In 2004, Jim Hoeft founded BearingDrift.com.  Over the years, the site has grown and changed, under going multiple revisions, site redesigns, and philosophy changes.  We went from being non-partisan to bi-partisan to our familiar format as Virginia’s Conservative Voice.  We’ve added contributors, we’ve printed a magazine, hosted the best parties at the RPV annual advance, and we’ve branched out into podcasting and radio.

In 2011, Jim, along with Shaun Kenney, Norm Leahy, Scott Lee and Brian Schoeneman formed Virginia Line Media LLC, the company that originally owned and operated Bearing Drift and The Score.  A few years later we added the Virginia Politics on Demand podcast to our portfolio.  Now, we’re ready for the next step forward.

We are pleased to announce a number of new changes for 2017 in the VLM lineup, including changes in leadership at Bearing Drift and the addition of a new website to our portfolio.  We are confident that these changes will help keep Virginia’s “new” media new, continuing our efforts to provide innovative, educational and compelling content for our readership.

First, we relaunched The Jeffersoniad [1] early this year.

Many will recall The Jeffersoniad [1] from years past, which was essentially a blog aggregator for Virginia’s blogosphere.  The site lay dormant for a while, but this year we have revived it, given it a thorough scrubbing, and have relaunched it as an alternative, not-always-just-politics site for our readers to enjoy.  From commentary on foreign politics to Catholic social thought, and the longer form policy essays that don’t always fit in with Bearing Drift‘s focus on Virginia politics, we’re sure you’ll come to read and rely on The Jeffersoniad just like you have BD.

Shaun Kenney will serve as Editor-in-Chief of the new site, and we encourage you to visit there daily for new content.

Second, after more than a decade as Editor-in-Chief of Bearing Drift, our founder Jim Hoeft has finally earned a promotion.  With the relaunch of The Jeffersoniad, the increasing regularity of our semi-weekly podcast Virginia Politics on Demand, and our weekly radio program The Score, the company Jim helped found and the sites he has nurtured have grown into what they are today, and his success deserves a better title.  Jim will serve now as Publisher for all of the brands under the Virginia Line Media LLC umbrella.  He will remain Editor-in-Chief and primary on-air talent for our Virginia Politics on Demand podcast.  Veteran radio broadcaster Scott Lee remains as Editor-in-Chief of The Score, with Norm Leahy serving as producer.

Finally, Brian Schoeneman has been tapped to serve as Bearing Drift‘s second Editor-in-Chief.  Brian will be handling the day-to-day running of the site much as Jim has done over the years.  He remains as General Counsel of VLM overall.

With these changes, we are confident that Bearing Drift, The Jeffersoniad, Virginia Politics on Demand and The Score will continue to provide you, our readers and listeners, with the same news, information, analysis and commentary from a conservative point of view that Virginians have grown accustomed to since 2004.

Thank you for your continued support of all of us here at Virginia Line Media and our various brands, and we look forward to many more years of news and commentary here in the Commonwealth of Virginia.