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Dudenhefer to Retire from Virginia General Assembly

Republican Delegate Mark Dudenhefer, who represents parts of Prince William and Stafford County in the 2nd District, announced today that he will not seek reelection this year.  Dudenhefer, a retired Marine Corps Colonel, served previously from 2005 to 2011 on the Stafford County Board of Supervisors, and was elected to the Virginia House of Delegates in 2011.  He was known as a strong advocate for and champion of local government.

Dudenhefer’s announced retirement is the first of 2017. With the General Assembly set to convene next week, these decisions are generally announced closer to the end of session. 

The following is Mark Dudenhefer’s Friday announcement.

I want to thank my family, constituents, and colleagues for their selfless support during my time in the House of Delegates. One of the great honors of my life has been serving in the Virginia House of Delegates. Many times, as I sat in my chair on the House floor, I reflected on the great Americans/Virginians who served in those very chambers. I take pride in the work that we accomplished. I only hope that my small contribution has lived up to the high standards expected by the citizens of the Commonwealth, especially those in House District 2.

It has become clear to me that I can better serve my God, my family, and my fellow man by pursuing a different course. I have not decided exactly what that path will be, but I will always remain a steadfast voice for transportation improvements and better communities. I felt it was important to announce my intentions not to run for re-election early enough to give others as much time as possible to plan an effective campaign.