Corey Stewart in “The Night the Reindeer Died”

So, tonight Corey Stewart is giving away a bright, shiny, brand new AR-15 as part of a fundraising and name-recognition scheme to bolster his run for the GOP nomination for governor.

Am I the only one thinking he might be reprising Lee Major’s role in “The Night the Reindeer Died” from “Scrooged”?

Stewart answers why the giveaway in his fundraising email with the following statement:

I believe the right to keep and bear arms is a God-given right that government shall not infringe upon – like it says in the Constitution!

Of course, the liberal media doesn’t like it when I refer to any of our rights as “God-given.”

But I’m not running for office to appease or make them happy.

Points for creativity. 2017 is going to be fun.

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