Gonzalez: Why I’m Voting for Donald J. Trump

jackee_gonzalezBy Jackee Gonzalez

Recently in a private conversation with an old high school friend, who’s leaning Democrat in this election, she shared an article by Russel Moore titled “Should Christians Vote for the Lesser of Two Evils?

In response, I shared my respect for Russel, my agreement with him in principle and also that I had a few disagreements with some of the application approaches. I was quite disappointed for similar reasons with a theologian, I love and highly respect as well- Wayne Grudem. He first made a case for Donald Trump here, then withdrew his endorsement, here after the 2005 tape came out and now is back on the “Trump Train”.

Here’s what I shared with my friend: “My disappointment was solely because that dance implied that he was simply doing intellectual assessments. My expectation of him as a leader in the body of Christ, is that he’ll listen to the Lord and then share with others where he senses the Lord leading- of course staying within scriptural bounds. That means he will not be changing his opinion because he found something objectionable from years ago. God knows all things- the end from the beginning, therefore His insight can be trusted through the bumpy ride.

My choice of Trump is a journey of almost 4 years and has nothing to do with him other than the fact that he’s the subject here.

You see, during the primaries, I even voiced that I would not vote for Trump if he won the nomination. I saw him as a republican version of Obama and I absolutely did not trust him. Not that I trust him now, but over time since he won the nomination, I had to go to the Lord in earnest and ask Him where His purpose for America was leading and what I was to do in response to His purpose. He began by changing my heart completely towards Trump and I had to begin looking at him with a fresh set of eyes. My mind was still not in agreement since my experience in politics had the upper hand there. But my harmonious moment (mind and heart in agreement) for me came when he gave the Gettysburg speech. I was completely floored by the content of it. It literally felt like he had been given a script of the answers to the prayers I have consistently led and prayed with others at the VA state Capitol each week for almost 4 years until this past March.

You see, for over 3 years, on a weekly basis, I wrote a prayer alert and sent it out to over 2000 Virginia prayer Intercessors to guide our prayers for life, marriage, parental authority, media, elected officials, pastors and my former employer. The Lord told me to pray the solutions not the problems. So, each week I’d ask Him how He wanted us to pray, and concerning any government or culture problem, I would ask Him what His solution looked like and then I’d pen it and send it to Intercessors. The goal has always been to give Intercessors God’s vision for our state as they prayed.

Well, that’s all I needed to really bring me full circle. Don’t get me wrong- I’m not following or trusting the man- people are fickle and they disappoint. I’m following The Shepherd because no matter how good or bad things get, I trust His leading and I have no regrets because my life is in response to Him not the political winds of the day. Thus, I remain very hopeful that our best days are ahead not behind- the outcome of this election notwithstanding. That’s heaven’s forecast anyway. I’m being very vulnerable here, but that’s been my journey.”

Jackee Gonzalez ran for the 2016 Republican congressional nomination in the 4th Congressional District. She’s a mother of two, a grassroots entrepreneur and currently an MPA student at Regent University.

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