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It Has to be Trump

“Our Long National Nightmare is Over”
Almost. Maybe. Probably not.
These words uttered long ago by President Gerald Ford punctuated the end to the Watergate-Nixon fiasco – and were repeated not long ago by Bearing Drift colleague Norm Leahy on “The Score [1]” regarding the end of this election cycle.
How I long for and probably would like to believe him.
Unfortunately, the reality is that given the divisions that are present in this country through partisanship, race, religion, sexuality, economics/markets, energy, etc. the truth is that we are a long way from ending the debate.
That said, we’re Americans. We debate. It’s what we do (GEICO – royalty, please?).
For me, this election has been one of ambiguities and contradictions. I wrote a few weeks ago [2] that the only real choices for conservatives were Johnson or McMullin. I have given money to Johnson. I think McMullin really might win Utah. On Tuesday, I will be casting my ballot for Donald Trump.
Yep. I’m no expert. I’m as confused and muddling through this as everyone else.
But going back to Watergate, I have no desire to see America dragged through four years of litigation and scandals involving our president and the parsing of their words.
We have too much at stake right now. We must defend this country. We must secure our borders. We must improve our trade relations. We must rebuild our infrastructure. We must allow the entrepreneurial spirit of this country to be unleashed.
I don’t see that with Hillary Clinton. Not only is former Virginia Governor and Vice Presidential candidate Tim Kaine giving us his favorite auto-play list, like free pre-K, but Clinton’s answer to every public policy question seems like it’s a spending spree.
We can’t have that in America anymore.
Trust me, I get it, liberals. We want to take care of people, provide fairness, etc. That’s important stuff. But we also must recognize that budgets matter. And $19 trillion on the credit card is not a campaign slogan – it’s a recipe for disaster.
So, on Tuesday, this Republican will be casting his vote for the only Republican in this entire contest that he never supported. So much for hashtags.