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Dear Trump Voters: Do You Know Your Guy Has Thrown in the Towel?

With fifteen days to go until November 8, Donald Trump is heading into the final stretch…with a news show (Wired [1], caps in original).

WELCOME TO THE Donald Trump show!

Tonight, the Trump campaign is kicking off a show that will air on the candidate’s Facebook page every night at 6:30 pm ET via Facebook Live from the campaign war room at Trump Tower. The show will be hosted by Boris Epshteyn, a senior adviser to the campaign, Tomi Lahren, a conservative commentator for Glenn Beck’s TheBlaze, and Cliff Sims, another Trump adviser.

This would come as no surprise to those of us who have followed Trump long enough to know his modus operandi: keep the spotlight on himself and monetize his fame at the earliest convenience. Combined with the Bannon hire and the feelers to a media dealmaker [2], this is a pretty good sign that Trump is going to beat the media by joining it.

But what about the presidential campaign? Does Trump still have a plan to get to 270 electoral votes and win the White House?

Well, Kellyanne Conway seemed to say so, unless one paid close attention to her (WaPo [3]).

On “Fox News Sunday,” Conway said Trump is focused on winning Florida, Ohio, Iowa, North Carolina and, possibly, Nevada, while protecting Arizona and Georgia, which are traditionally Republican states but have seen bursts of support for Clinton in polls.

There’s only one problem with Comway’s list: it won’t get Trump over the winning line.

If one starts with Romney’s 206 electoral votes from 2012 (which includes North Carolina), adding Florida (29), Ohio (18), Iowa (6), and “possibly” Nevada (6), brings Trump to…265.

Whatever has Trump’s “focus,” it’s not winning the election.

Thus does the Long Con approach completion.