Comstock Earns Washington Post and Winchester Star Endorsements

On Saturday, the Washington Post and the Winchester Star released their endorsements in the upcoming Congressional elections in the DC Metro area. In the 10th Congressional District, both newspapers chose to endorse incumbent Tenth District Congresswoman Barbara Comstock over her oppotent Bennett.

The Winchester Star stated:

“In assessing her first race as the incumbent in Virginia’s 10th Congressional District, Barbara Comstock employs a military metaphor. Not surprising, given the extent to which the 57-year-old Republican lawmaker has cast herself, over these past two years, as an advocate for a robust defense … and those critical Virginia jobs that give meaning to “robust.”…

Then as now, we would say Barbara Comstock has done much to commend her candidacy. And we say that taking particular note that she’s only been in Washington one term

We’re not inclined to disagree. In many ways, Mrs. Comstock has followed a legislative script similar to that pursued for years by Mr. Wolf — that is, strong constituent service and an attention to regional issues (and how Washington may be of assistance), but with one eye firmly cast on the Big Picture (taxes, national defense, health care, etc.)…

…Though not necessarily a natural politician, she works assiduously at her craft — something which, it seems, truly separates her from her opponent, whose side comment on Mrs. Comstock’s attendance at local events bordered on the derisive, perhaps because her attendance (especially in these parts) during this campaign season has been, well, somewhat sparse…

Let’s just say that, without a local presence, Mrs. Comstock never makes it to Valley Health’s NICU, where she witnessed the devastating effects of opioid addiction. She’s at home here now, and it’s obvious in the relationships she’s made. She knows the territory.

On the other hand, Ms. Bennett, a real-estate executive and longtime Democratic donor well-known in Washington circles and down the I-95 corridor, was essentially recruited to take on Mrs. Comstock in the 10th, of which she has little knowledge and has developed precious few relationships of the sort the incumbent can claim…

Put simply, the challenger is an Arlington-style liberal not at home in the politically diverse 10th District, while Mrs. Comstock is a common-sense conservative in the mold of her mentor, Frank Wolf…”

And from the Washington Post: 

“For us, the toughest call is in Virginia’s 10th District, which runs from McLean and other close-in suburbs west through Loudoun County to the West Virginia line. There, Rep. Barbara Comstock, a freshman Republican and former political operative, is challenged by Democrat LuAnn Bennett, a real estate executive.,,

In Congress, where she (Comstock) represents a swing district, she has taken some steps to temper her hard-right conservatism, voting against a government shut-down, for example, and protecting federal funding for Metro when it was threatened by other Republicans. The word “Republican” is absent from her campaign website; the word “bipartisan” appears throughout…

… Yet her withering assessment of Mr. Trump, and some of her votes in Congress, suggest she might bolster a conservative core of sane House Republicans who could face down the party’s ascendant dead-enders. In the wake of its disastrous presidential nomination this year, the Republican Party will badly need elected officials willing to govern, not just wage partisan warfare. If Ms. Comstock can play that role, and champion vital regional priorities such as Metro, it would be invaluable. She has given some signs, if not yet proof, that she is willing; our endorsement is a calculated hope that after wrapping herself in a bipartisan banner, her actions will match her rhetoric.”

The Post and Star have realized what Virginia Republicans knew the entire time. Congresswoman Comstock is an infatigueable leader for the Commonwealth and the 10th District. She has worked on the tough issues like Metro funding and opioid addiction. She is willing to tell her party’s hardline conservatives no to solve problems and govern. She has worked tirelessly for her district, without the partisan blinders that most elected officials have.

Ms. Luann Bennet is nothing more than a DC socialite  Before she was recruited to run by the DCCC, Ms. Bennett was living in the DC Ritz Carlton.  She had the audacity to sublease the apartment for $7,500 a month. She has and never will be able to explain how she can represent hard working Northern Virginia families. For that matter, I firmly believe the only reason Ms. Bennett was the Democratic nominee in the 10th district was her ability to self fund her campaign. As a DC socialite who is out of touch of reality in the 10th District, Ms. Bennett has no business representing anyone in Virginia.

Congratulations are in order Congresswoman Comstock on obtaining key endorsements for her campaign.

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