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VPOD: Make Debates Great Again, Hurricanes, Bennett and One Game Playoffs

Brian Schoeneman and Shaun Kenney join Jim to recap the week in politics, including our take on the VP debate, what it means for the presidential debate on Sunday, the impact of superstorms on presidential politics, why the one game playoff is the best thing to ever happen to baseball, and how LuAnn Bennett failed the first lesson of PR: know your audience.


BD posts relevant to this podcast:

WATCH As LuAnn Bennett Gets Laughed At Over Obamacare [1]
Pence Reminds Conservatives What We Lost By Nominating Trump [2]
After the VP Debate, Virginia is Breaking Up with Tim Kaine [3]
VPOD: Former Virginia Attorney General Jerry Kilgore [4]
When Jesuit-Educated Men Speak, Eyebrows Are Raised [5]