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Quick Thoughts on McDonnell’s Interview With The RTD

It probably doesn’t serve much use to continue to rake through the coals on this one.  McDonnell’s 43 month saga is finally over, and the man who emerged is quite literally a different, more thankful, and more patient man than the fellow who entered into it — which says a great deal about McDonnell’s integrity as a person, to be sure.

The Latin root for the word patience is patientia — quite literally, the quality of suffering.  Make no mistake, 43 months is a very long time to endure.

So what happened?  A key line from the McDonnell interview [1] with the Richmond Times-Dispatch:

McDonnell said he is more focused on the present than the future, less on material possessions and more on what he called “the basics — which are your family, your friends, your service to others, your faith life. Things that I rushed through too much during my time in politics.”

Now that’s an encouragement, and there’s a lesson in there that McDonnell — perhaps — is trying to impart to others.  Indeed, there are a number of other truly great observations from former Governor Bob McDonnell in this interview, ones that every public servant and aspiring politician should truly consume and take to heart.

What I felt compelled to share here was one of my more favorite verses in Scripture from Malachi 3:1-3, and it reads:

Now I am sending my messenger — 
he will prepare the way before me;
And the lord whom you seek will come suddenly to his temple; 

The messenger of the covenant whom you desire —
see, he is coming! says the LORD of hosts.

But who can endure the day of his coming?
Who can stand firm when he appears?
For he will be like a refiner’s fire,
like fullers’ lye.

He will sit refining and purifying silver,
and he will purify the Levites,
Refining them like gold or silver,
that they may bring offerings to the LORD in righteousness.

Fires are hot, especially when purifying metals like silver or gold (1763F for silver; 1948F for gold).  So why is the Messiah sitting over that furnace rather than standing?

Because while a mere silversmith may stand, a master silversmith will sit and continue to burn off every impurity until he can see his own reflection in the silver.

That’s Bob McDonnell.  That’s patientia lived out, and it is so rare to see Malachi 3:1-3 lived out in public life… and yet here it is.

…oh, and the object you pour silver into?  Specifically called a crucible… the Latin root for that word being crux (and Malachi was written 450 years before the birth of Christ — how’s that for prophecy).

Anyways, felt compelled to share.  Back to the political slugfest.