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Bearing Drift Announces Its Amnesty Plan

For years, the writers at Bearing Drift have been accused of supporting amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Well, we don’t.

But we do support amnesty for jerks.

As part of our on-going efforts to continue to bring you the best political commentary, news about the Republican Party in Virginia, and best radio and podcasting we can, we’re going to do something that we’ve never done in the history of Bearing Drift: We’re welcoming back all the folks who have been banned from commenting here in the last ten years.

That’s right. If you’ve been barred from commenting, whether it was for being off-topic, attacking the site or the authors, being a white supremacist, claiming we take money to write articles, or whatever other bad behavior got you booted, your ban has been lifted.

Everybody makes mistakes, and since we’re too lazy to decide who gets added back on a case-by-case basis, we’re just going to do a blanket rights restoration for everybody.  If you’re too PC to call it call amnesty, you could just call it the “Terry McAuliffe Memorial Rights Restoration Autopen Salute to Lazy Moderating.”

Take a minute and review our comments policy [1], if you haven’t already.  It’s the same as it’s always been – don’t be a jerk, comment on the substance, etc.

So if you’ve done something bad and been given your walking papers in the past, welcome back.

Don’t do it again.