CNU Wason: Morrissey Holds Commanding Lead In Richmond Mayor Race

I’ll admit it outright.  I have a soft spot in my heart for “Fighting Joe” Morrissey.

No, it’s not because he has been banned from the steps of Sacred Heart Cathedral in Richmond.  And the whole episode with his (now) wife was as it was, but could have ended tragically different and never did — which frankly, is to Morrissey’s (and the mother’s) credit.

So why do I like Joe Morrissey?  Because the guy is a champion for every lost cause he sets his eyes upon.  H.L. Mencken used to say that Americans loved their most daring liars, and while I don’t think Morrissey is any more brazen than the next guy, “Fighting Joe” really has become the Honey Badger of Richmond politics.

Joe just doesn’t care.

He’s just going to go in there and take all the scraps.

Simply put, the man lives up to his reputation in every respect of the word — and at some level, you have to respect a guy that turns to the world and puts two middle fingers in the air.  Apparently, Richmond thinks that’s just the sort of guy they need to fix things, according to the CNU Wason Center:

Q8: And thinking about that mayor’s race… if the election were held TODAY would you vote for…[NAMES RANDOMIZED]

Joe Morrissey 28
Jack Berry 16
Michelle Mosby 10
Jon Baliles 9
Levar Stoney 7
Bruce Tyler 4
Lawrence Williams <1
Bobby Junes <1
Someone else (vol) <1
Undecided (vol) 18
Dk/ref (vol) 6

The MOE on this poll is a whopping 4.9% — and when you get down to the district level, it’s 14%.

One number that strikes me is that Mosby is everyone’s #2 at 20% of those polled, with Baliles and Stoney coming in at 16% and 10% respectively.  Morrissey is 4th at a respectable 9%.

For those uninitiated with the antiquated method that Richmond selects its mayor, one must win 5 of the 9 precincts outright.  If not, the race goes to a runoff primary — where if one were to hypothetically assume that the “second choice” candidates voted optimally, puts Morrissey at 37%, Berry at 24%, Baliles at 25% and Mosby at 30%.  One almost wishes for a third choice to see where voters might fall if their backup plans fail…

Not sure Honey Badger really cares at this rate.  Morrissey is in a prime spot.

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