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POLL: Will Cruz Endorse Trump?

Is Ted Cruz Going To Use The Word "Endorse" Tonight During His RNC Speech About Donald Trump?

  • Of course he is. (54%, 27 Votes)
  • No way. (46%, 23 Votes)

Total Voters: 50

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Now there’s some question as to whether or not he might.  From Jon Ward over at Yahoo News, the bad blood between Donald Trump and the Ted Cruz faction [1] of the #NeverTrump movement is already signalling that Cruz is in for 2020:

Cruz is already laying the groundwork for another run for president in 2020, but a top RNC official told Yahoo News that they expect him to run even if Donald Trump becomes president this fall. That would represent the first major challenge of an incumbent president from inside his own party since Teddy Kennedy ran against President Jimmy Carter in 1980.

“If Trump wins, you better bet your ass Cruz is going to primary him,” the RNC official told Yahoo News.

So does Ted Cruz endorse?

Of course he does.  Why wouldn’t he?

Think of it this way — the entire convention floor wants him to.  Needs him to.  Is begging him to be the hero.

Cruz’s options are to either be the hero, or be Joffrey Baratheon, King of the Andals and First of His Name.

So of course Cruz is going to bend the knee tonight.  Cruz doesn’t have a choice… which makes Cuccinelli’s kerfluffle on the RNC floor look like a complete and total waste [2] of political capital.