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Chris Christie Reminds Us, Chicken or Fish? Because the Fish Rots from the Head!

Last night at the Republican National Convention, Governor Chris Christie put this election in to perspective. In a call and response section of his speech, he begin to line up the Clinton failures as Secretary of State. [1] Every single time he mentioned something the Clintons did, the convention would scream out “LOCK HER UP!”

Then this morning on Morning Joe, Governor Christie alluded to a conversation that he had with former rival Governor Jeb Bush. Politico [2] reported:

“To the remaining Republicans unwilling to throw their weight behind Donald Trump, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has a simple message: “It’s chicken or fish, man.”
Christie has repeatedly presented November’s general election as a “binary choice” between Trump and presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. One of the two will be sworn in as president in January, Christie said, “and every Republican who is not working for Trump is working for Clinton. It’s just the way it is.”

“This is not like a political science class. This is the real world. There is a binary choice here,” the New Jersey governor said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “Donald Trump was not my first choice for president. I was, right? It didn’t work out. And so as a result, you’ve got to decide, and I said this to Jeb Bush the other day: It’s chicken or fish, man. It’s one or the other.”


The metaphor really drove the point home for me personally. It reminded me of an old statement that I have heard many times. “The fish rots from the head.” Comparing the Clintons to a rotten piece of fish may not have been Governor Christie’s intended goal, however the metaphor sticks in my mind.

The Democratic Party has nominated the most morally corrupt candidate in the history of their existence. She truly believes that she stands above the law, and that she is destined to become President of the United States. How anyone can reconcile voting for her is beyond me.

Which brings me to my point. The nomination process is over. You can cry, you can throw credentials on the ground like a spoiled child, [3] and you can take your toys and go home. That’s fine, it’s America, you have the freedom to make your own choices. However, it is imperative that we keep in mind what is at stake. 19 trillion in debt, we have violence in the streets, we are not respected in the world like we were in the past, millions are out of work, and the Obama economy has destroyed the middle class.  When are we going to realize that Hillary Clinton is just more of the same failed Democratic policies? When are we going to realize that electing Hillary Clinton will only make it worse?

Donald Trump was not my first, second, or third choice for our nominee. I voted for Senator Rubio in the primary. I’m proud that I voted for Senator Rubio, but I realize that our countries’ future is at stake. As a supporter of the Second Amendment, I realize that electing Hillary Clinton means that the Supreme Court Justices that she would appoint could take my freedom to carry a firearm. The economic policies she initiates could destroy my economic mobility. Hillary Clinton is unqualified to be President because she broke the law. I will not let her become President just because my guy didn’t win and my feelings were hurt.

Donald Trump has tapped into something that I truly cannot understand. 14,000,000 people, the most that have ever voted for a Republican nominee, voted for Mr. Trump. While I find some of the things he has said morally reprehensible, I recognize that he is giving hope to those who have lost hope. He has tapped into that silent majority of individuals who feel as though the economy and the world around them has left them behind. Sure, he is rough around the edges, but he at least believes that government is too large. That people create businesses and jobs, not the government. That the Second Amendment is important. He understands the fundamental basics of the Republican Party.

I have to admit, for a while, I was reluctant to get on the Trump Train (so was my political hero, Speaker Paul Ryan). However, it is time for the #NeverTrump crowd to realize the mistake they are making. The mistake that could put our countries’ freedom and economic stability into crisis. It’s time that we move on from our differences. Governor Christie is right, at this point we are at a binary decision. Do you want four more years of economic instability? Do you want four more years of not receiving the respect we deserve around the world?

Let’s get off our pious, holier-than-thou high horses, and elect someone who will listen to Middle America. It’s a binary decision, Clinton or Trump. The choice is yours.

As for me, I pick Trump.