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“It’s a grift, Leo.”

“It’s a grift, Leo.”

Look — I’m about as committed a #NeverTrump guy as you’re going to meet… but when we start abrogating process? That’s a problem.

How did the process get hijacked today? It wasn’t RNC, and it wasn’t Trump — it was Cuccinelli, plain and simple.

How? Because it’s a grift, guys. Same ones your parents used to warn you about. Ken knows there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that a rules revision is going to pass. So what does he do? Organize a temper-tantrum with the cameras rolling. Attempt to capture the spotlight as the leader of the resistance…

…all for advantage for 2020, or a nascent U.S. Senate bid.

It’s a grift.

The negotiations prior to rules committee? Pigs get fed, hogs get slaughtered. How many of you are ready to sacrifice your conventions for forced primaries? Ones that would exclude even independents (i.e, disaffected conservatives, libertarians, moderates, Ron Paul supporters, etc) from participating?

What happened? Cuccinelli and Lee and a handful of others put a gun to RNC’s head and said give us X or we will throw a fit. Hijack your process… and we will do so in a very public way.

RNC told Cuccinelli to pound sand… because that’s what you tell grifters. Go home; get lost.

In the movie “Miller’s Crossing” the main character, Tom Reagan, tells his Irish mafia boss (Leo) that he is making a wrong move. Leo, madly in love, doesn’t want to hear the truth about a woman… because the truth is, she is using Leo’s feelings to protect a brother who is rigging bets on the side.

“It’s a grift, Leo.”

Leo doesn’t see it. Mayhem ensues. Reagan was right.

There is a process here. The delegates should allow that process to play out. Options have been exhausted, and if it were a more honest effort to develop an alternative to Trump that respected the process, I might have more respect for it…

…but not this. Reagan was right. Cuccinelli was wrong.


It was a grift.