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Let’s Discuss the Prospect of an Open Convention

So it’s official — approximately 1,000 Republican delegates huddled on a conference call [1] that three weeks ago could barely muster three dozen to discuss the prospect of ditching Donald J. Trump in favor of a sane, rational candidate to lead something that actually approximated a conservative movement.

Let’s make matters worse for the Trump Train. The train conductor just got fired [2], and at a time when presumptive nominees are raking in the cash? Trump sits at $1.3 million cash-on-hand and $45 million in debt.


So what is to be done?ingloriousbasterds_endthewar

Crazy thought — and we’re spitballing here.  Trump has announced that he will not make his vice presidential pick until the convention itself — and interesting move when historically, folks are looking to unite the party with some novel pick (a historical non-starter — rarely does a VP nominee do this, but still… the veneer of respectability is more often than not maintained).

What if Trump gets to Cleveland, and decides it just isn’t worth it?

What if Trump decides to nominate his successor, hops on the jet plane, and flies back to New York?

What if Trump has made the mental decision that losing a presidential contest would dent his brand?

What if the Trump boosters have been playing poker all this time… and are about to find out that they were the mark?

Of course, getting that $45 million paid off would be incredible leverage, would it not?  Pay me this… and I will go away.  Wonder how many in the GOP establishment would cut that deal?  Wonder who still has that sort of cash just laying around (cough*Bush*Cruz*cough)?

Trump is Hans Landa.  Conservatives are Aldo Raine.

Would you take that deal?  Spitball as you will.

UPDATE:  One of our loyal BD readers helpfully updates us on the who-owes-whom tally [5].  And then there’s the persnickety problem of a self-funding campaign really operating on nothing more than loans…

trump_loans [6]

UPDATE x2:  Donny Ferguson helpfully observes [7]:

Latest FEC reports, filed today:

Trump: $1.3 million cash on hand ($900,000 less than last report)
Clinton: $42 million cash on hand ($12 million more than last report)

Trump is getting his ass whipped at… making money.

There are House campaigns out there with more cash on hand than the supposed billionaire presidential candidate.

Trump is broke.

Not just broke.

Trump is taking-pennies-to-Coinstar-to-buy-raman broke.

Trump for President is looking a lot like Trump Mortgages, Trump Magazine, Trump Vodka, Trump Casinos, Trump Shuttle, Trump Steaks and the USFL.

Coinstar to buy Raman Noodles is pretty harsh.

Appropriate… but harsh.