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Civilization VI is Coming in October 2016 (and It’s Important!)

civilization_6_600pxLooking for a perfect excuse not to vote in the 2016 elections between Mussolini and Evita?

Well check this out — instead of voting for them, you can fight them and build a civilization to stand the test of time instead! [1]

Today developer Firaxis announced that Civilization VI will be launching on PC on October 21st, making it the first main entry in the series since Civilization V in 2010. That game was a huge success, which means that there won’t be any drastic changes to the formula for this latest release; the core will remain largely the same, with new features on top. “Everything that Civilization players have loved in Civilization V, we’re bringing forward, in addition to putting on the new gameplay from Civilization VI,” says lead producer Dennis Shirk. “It’ll be like a warm blanket.”

Why is this so important?  Why are you reading this here?

Because it’s Civilization VI — or for Trump supporters, Civilization 6.

…and it is going to be GLORIOUS.  Best write up so far comes from Polygon [2] which is definitely worth reading in its entirety.  Spoilers so far?  Stacking is back (kinda — and in a good way), cities can expand into other hexes, diplomacy and tech just got way more cool, and yes — multiplayer will be a feature, not a bug.

Of course, this means that I am going to be quitting work, school, family, life, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Epiphany… politics be damned, this is going to be awesome.