For most of the day today, the main headline at the Drudge Report was “Flood Warning,” with a link to this article about a steady influx of illegal immigrants from Mexico and Central America. Above that headline was this picture (which was not taken from the aforesaid article) predictably depicting a bunch of brown-skinned ne’er-do-wells invading ‘Murica:
But not all brown-skinned people are the same. The picture used by Drudge was taken from the New York Times and actually depicts Palestinian terrorists trying to attack Israeli soldiers – five years ago!
It’s no secret that Matt Drudge has willingly sacrificed the credibility of his news aggregation site in the service of Donald Trump. (Check out the pathetic spin at the Drudge site in his link to the potentially game-changing endorsement of Ted Cruz today by Indiana Governor Mike Pence.) But smearing Mexicans with a five-year-old picture of Palestinian terrorists? C’mon, Matt.