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When You Deny Certain Customers Because Of Strongly Held Moral Convictions…

springsteen_600pxSo Bruce Springsteen can deny thousands of customers because of his strongly held moral convictions… and this makes him a hero?

Meanwhile, Christian bakers are coerced into making cakes for mock weddings, Christian bed and breakfasts are coerced into hosting mock weddings, and entire states are facing boycotts due to pressure from businesses facing similar pressure from gay lobbying groups… and this makes them evil?

Frankly, the whole idea of “transgender bathrooms” is silly — the gay rights movement simply has run out of hills to conquer, so they’ve resorted to getting grown men to expose themselves in girls locker rooms and then daring to compare it to lunch counter sit-ins during the 1960s.


Meanwhile, at every single house in America, I can almost guarantee you that there is a “transgender bathroom” in each one — one where men and women routinely use the facilities… and argue about who-left-what on the counter later on.

Yet take a step back from all of this.  This… of all things… is what we’re arguing about?

Of course, what we’re seeing here is the maturation of a movement.  There are no more hills to conquer, only hills to defend.  There are quite a few people pulling down six-figure salaries that need to keep fires stoked (see: Republican Presidential Nomination Contest, 2016, “small hands edition”) in order to squeeze normal, hard working (and hard pressed) Americans for their cash… because after all, without that donation, your really can’t be #TrusTED or #MakeAmericaGreatAgain… or be a true Hillary or Bernie supporter — pick your poison.

…but let’s not mistake this for what it is.  Not principle, but power.  Not process, but patronization.  One great big game that no one really gives a damn about, but several powerful interests making a lot of money on the false outrage demand that you must care… or else you — yes you — are a bigot.

Hey, if you don’t like it?  Look at yourselves… we’re the one’s tolerating the status quo, after all.

The only way this changes?  Is if we collectively stop selling out and giving a damn every time we’re told to care by folks in power… or by the next attention-seeking Facebook troll.