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Isn’t Mark Herring adorable?

Herring [1]Nothing is cuter than watching little kids stumble when they try to walk.  Well, nothing other than watching Mark Herring at work.

Like, remember that time he campaigned by demonizing his predecessor, Ken Cuccinelli, for having the temerity to “politicize” the AG’s office and then, as soon as he took office, went and litigated against our own state constitution because he disagreed with it?

Yeah, that was hilarious!

And guess what?  He’s at it again!

Remember how Herring campaigned by demonizing Ken Cuccinelli for using his office to oppose the whole “global warming” hoax?  Yeah, now he’s using that same office to try to advance that hoax. He thinks we won’t notice how he’s politicizing his office, which is just plain adorable.

Today, bless his heart, Herring issued a press release about how he’s joined an “Unprecedented Coalition . . . To Defend Climate Change Progress Made Under President Obama And To Push The Next President For Even More Aggressive Action.”  We’ll just call it the “UCTDCCPMUPOATPTNPFEMAA” for short.

According to the press release, the UCTDCCPMUPOATPTNPFEMAA is “an unprecedented coalition of top law enforcement officials committed to aggressively protecting and building upon the recent progress the United States has made in combatting climate change.”  In case you didn’t get that from the title.  And I guess they were so busy getting ready to do this Very Important Work that they didn’t have time to spell-check “combating.”

The press release tells us that the UCTDCCPMUPOATPTNPFEMAA consists of Attorneys General Schneiderman, William Sorrell of Vermont, George Jepsen of Connecticut, Brian E. Frosh of Maryland, Maura Healey of Massachusetts, Mark Herring of Virginia, and Claude Walker of the US Virgin Islands, joined, of course, by former Vice President Al Gore, who we all know as the inventor of both the internet and the man-made global warming hoax.

Yeah, Mark Herring really does actually think that we’re still buying into this man-made global warming silliness.  He thinks we don’t know that the Earth was warmer 400 years ago than it is now, or that Barack Obama’s own regime has had to admit that the antarctic ice shelf is expanding, or that there actually hasn’t been any warming in over 20 years, or that not one prediction made by the global warming huxters’ models has ever come remotely close to being accurate.  He really does think we’re that stupid.  Isn’t he just PRECIOUS?

But wait, I just noticed something else:  The Unprecedented Coalition only has 6 of the nation’s 24 Democrat state attorneys general in it (plus that guy from the Virgin Islands).  I guess the Unprecedented Coalition couldn’t get the other 75% of the Democrat attorneys general on board?

Get out your camera phones, everyone – I’m sure there will be more adorable Herring tumbles coming our way soon!