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Opposition to Trump is not support for the establishment

Republican presidential candidate Trump speaks during his "Make America Great Again Rally" in Dubuque [1]Let’s dispel this idiotic Trump talking point right here and now:  Opposition to Donald Trump is not a defense of the establishment or the status quo.  In fact, Trump is the epitome of the establishment and the status quo.

Trump and his supporters do not have a monopoly on anti-establishment anger and frustration.  I oppose Trump with every fiber of my being, but I agree with his supporters that we have been betrayed by our leaders in Washington and by a self-absorbed out-of-touch ivory tower Republican Party establishment that puts its own political survival ahead of our core conservative principles and the good of the country.

There are all kind of legitimate ways to express that discontent.  For me, I’m supporting a candidate who was elected to the Senate by defeating an incumbent governor for the nomination with tea party support.  My candidate has a rating between 94-100% from every major conservative organization in the country.  I support Marco Rubio precisely because I oppose the status quo and want a man who has already proven that he will boldly apply our conservative principles to get our country back on track.

Trump’s supporters, who so sanctimoniously declare that anyone who opposes their candidate automatically is a stooge for the establishment, are too inebriated by his con job to see that they are supporting a man who got where he is today by being part of the very establishment they oppose. In fact, Donald Trump bragged at the very first Republican debate about how he donated gobs and gobs of money to candidates of both parties to buy access and loyalty to him.

Isn’t that the very kind of establishment corruption that you want to eliminate???

You’re mad at the Republican leadership for not fighting Obama and the Democrats in any meaningful way on things like Obamacare, Planned Parenthood, gun control, and abortion.  Well I’m supporting a man, Marco Rubio, who introduced the only legislation that has ever actually curtailed Obamacare.  And my candidate has voted to repeal funding for Planned Parenthood and to thwart Obama’s efforts to usurp our Second Amendment Rights, and he has a perfect 100% rating from National Right to Life.

Your guy, Donald Trump, said as recently as last week that he supports the individual mandate in Obamacare, and he has said repeatedly that he favors “universal” (i.e. socialized) health care. Your guy sings the praises of Planned Parenthood and has publicly said that he is pro-choice and would not even ban partial-birth infanticide.  (He now claims he’s pro-life, a convenient conversion that coincided with his decision to run for president as a Republican.  If you didn’t believe in 2012 that Mitt Romney, a devout Mormon, was sincerely pro-life, then why on Earth would you believe Trump is?)  And your guy has spent his entire adult life advocating for more gun control.

If you’re upset that the Republicans have not pursued a principled conservative agenda, why are you supporting a man who openly opposes that agenda?

You think Trump is going to “make America great again” by promoting an agenda that makes us wards of the state?  Please.

America’s greatness comes from releasing and inspiring the ingenuity and energy of individuals across the fruited plain, not from xenophobia and fear-mongering.  And certainly not from giving the government more power over our lives, as Trump wants to do.

I realize that you’re voting from emotion and are not susceptible to reason, so I have little hope that any argument rooted in facts, logic, and reason will penetrate that wall of fog, but spare me your righteous claims that somehow opposing Donald Trump means I support the establishment.  I’m supporting the candidate who has proven that he will boldly shake up the status quo.  You’re supporting a guy who epitomizes it.