Joe Whited seeking 5th District Seat

Joseph Whited, a 36-year-old Navy veteran and professional staffer to the House Armed Services Committee, is forming an Exploratory Committee to run for the open 5th District Congressional Seat. Whited, a resident of Rappahannock County and Georgetown University graduate, will begin to assemble the resources necessary to explore a Congressional Campaign.

Whited joined the United States Navy at the age of 17, where he served in Intelligence field. He served 3 tours of duty while in the military, ultimately serving in the Navy from 1998 to 2006. Most notably, Mr. Whited served as an Intelligence Advisor to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, Naval Intelligence Watch Stander for the Chief of Naval Operations Staff, and the Advisor to the Multi National Security Command in Iraq.

Mr. Whited then served with the Defense Intelligence Agency. He first served as the Senior Russian Forces Analyst and Senior Planner, then a Congressional Liaison, followed by serving as the Acting Chief Congressional Liaison for the DIA.

Mr. Whited now currently serves as a Professional Staff Member for the United States House of Representatives Armed Services Committee, where he serves as the Principal Defense Intelligence Advisor to Chairman Mac Thornberry.

If Mr. Whited ultimately decides to run, he will be the fourth candidate to enter the race for the 5th District Seat. State Senator Tom Garrett, Bedford Businessman Jim Mckelvey, and Technology Executive Michael Del Rosso have already entered the congressional race. Multiple candidates, including NASCAR Driver Jeff Burton, Family Research Council President Jerry Boykin, and State Senator Jill Holtzman Vogel have been suggested to run for Congress.


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