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VPOD: Del. Chris Peace

In this week’s episode of Virginia Politics On Demand, DJ McGuire and Jim Hoeft interview Del. Chris Peace on the need for Certificate of Public Need reform. It’s actually commonsense healthcare reform. While we’re arguing about the Affordable Care Act and expanding Medicaid, reforming COPN can save the taxpayers and also ensure there is adequate medical care in the community.

Additionally, Matt Hall, Brian Schoeneman, and DJ are part of the roundtable to discuss COPN reform, review what transpired over the holiday, particularly with the Rep. Hurt retirement, and just, in general, shoot the breeze about politics.

Other topics:

– Are our congressmen happy?
– Why is Wendell Walker, The Republican Party of Virginia’s 6th Congressional District Chairman, resigning and is there a party official problem? Is former State Senator Ralph Smith the best successor?
– Rob Wittman for governor and how does this affect his congressional campaign?
– What is the point of district committees and what’s going on within them? What’s the role of a political party, in general?

It’s the smartest 45 minutes in Virginia politics!
