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RTD: McAuliffe Goes Hard On Workforce Development; Higher Ed (With A Catch?)

mcauliffe [1]Graham Moomaw with the Richmond Times-Dispatch checks out the workforce development component in the Governor’s Budget [2]:

McAuliffe said his plan includes $24.6 million for work certification and credentialing programs at community colleges for industries “in highest demand.”

“We need these certifications and licensures, just as we need college degrees, to maximize Virginia’s economic development potential,” McAuliffe said.

An additional $8.1 million would go toward an online degree completion initiative aimed at adults and “non-traditional students.”

McAuliffe has made a series of budget announcements ahead of his formal presentation to General Assembly money committees on Thursday. Last week, McAuliffe proposed a $2.43 billion bond package with a heavy emphasis on higher education and research facilities. He has also proposed a $64 million corporate tax cut as a way to make the state more attractive to businesses.

That comes in addition to more money for sexual violence on college campuses — a modest $100,000 grant, but a required start to get it out of the hands of universities and start putting such investigations back into the hands of competent authorities (say: law enforcement).

Of course, I’m elated.  Readers of this publication know that I have [3] been [4] gently optimistic [5] and even [6] encouraging [7]about McAuliffe’s forays [8] into workforce development over the years (and wish he had led on this in the first half of his term rather than included it as an afterthought in his second half).

So the fly in the ointment?  Republican Delegate Chris Jones is sincerely non-plussed:

“The governor has certainly raised expectations, but I would caution against putting too much stock in these announcements,” House Appropriations Committee Chairman S. Chris Jones, R-Suffolk, said Tuesday. “The governor’s proposal is just the first step in the budget process. I fully expect a number of his proposed initiatives will be predicated on assumptions related to Medicaid expansion, to which the General Assembly clearly remains opposed.”

…and if this is a global effort to rope in a “constituency” wedded to goodie-bags from His Excellency in order to play Lucy to everyone’s Charlie Brown?

Well… shame on McAuliffe, if so.

All that having been said (and taking a page from Mr. McGuire’s playbook), the Republican General Assembly would be wise to take the more conservative and economic development oriented proposals from the Governor’s Budget and double down.

Corporate tax cuts?  Yes, please.
Corporate tax credits linked to workforce development, trades, and certifications?  Now we’re talking.
Investments in workforce development tied to say, unemployment benefits?  Yes, please.
Linking workforce development to economic development?  A no-brainer if you include regional microfinance.
Certification and licensures?  Absolutely…
…and finding ways for high school students to graduate with either a trade or an associates degree?  Go for that.

Short version?  If this is a game of three card monty, no one is interested.  Even if there is some gamesmanship at work, Republicans would be wise to take the best portions of McAuliffe’s proposal and flip them right back.  After all, if McAuliffe is serious about becoming Hillary Clinton’s Secretary of Commerce governing, let’s put these great ideas back on his plate and watch him veto it for the sake of $7bn+ in unfunded liabilities from Washington…

If it’s a bluff, call it.  What’s the worst that could happen from drawing in bold colors?