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Democrats Begin The Torturous Process Of Cutting McCollum Loose

Just in case anyone was wondering how quickly Democrats are pushing away from Gary McCollum’s dumpster fire of a campaign [1], look no further than last night’s forum with Susan Hippen.

Hippen had some choice words describing her 25 years of service to the U.S. Navy, in contrast to the false claims from the former Cox Cablevision lobbyist:

Here’s your transcript:

HIPPEN: For 25 years… for 25 years I was on active duty in the United States Navy. My ID expires before my 65th birthday, so it must be an enlisted thing versus an officer thing. At any rate — and yes I’m sure of my service, and if you want to see my ID, I’ll show it to you, OK…


Hippen is a Democrat running against Delegate Ron Villanueva (HOD-21) who cannot afford missteps and miscalculations — much less outright mistruths.

McCollum has to date offered up all three, and Hippen’s desire to push off against McCollum signals that his false statements regarding his service in the Army Reserve are weighing down other Democratic challengers in a big way.