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Ramadan: Time To Fire UVA President Sullivan

Rotunda_May_2013_01_CG [1]Looks like Helen Dragas was right all along [2]:

Last year, I told the head of U.Va.’s governing board that I would be watching closely. I have been, and what I’ve witnessed since then has undermined my confidence in the leadership coming out of Charlottesville.

Rather than stay home last November to lead a rightly upset and fractured community, U.Va. President Terry Sullivan climbed on a plane for a European conference hours after the Rolling Stone story came out.

On this issue and many others, instead of facing facts and being candid, Sullivan has used a FOIA exemption to hide her working papers. I’m still in the dark about how double-digit tuition increases came to be an OK thing.

When a black student was left bleeding on a sidewalk, Sullivan was quick to point out that it happened off campus. As if that should have mattered.


Delegate David Ramadan is going out with a bang, that’s for sure.  Sullivan’s tenure was met with a great deal of controversy, from the fauxrage regarding her initial ouster (where Dragas’ reforms were proven to be both timely and required) to the double-digit tuition increases, and now massive Title IX problems where a rush to judgement substitutes for actual justice?

UVA has a CYA problem, and Sullivan appears to be right in the center of the controversy.

Read it all — Ramadan is absolutely right to make this a focus, and the entire culture at UVA deserves a great deal more scrutiny.