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Biden’s future depends on Hillary’s

Vice-President Joe Biden is certainly taking his time thinking about running for President. He is masterfully keeping himself in the conversation while saying he isn’t an candidate.

I think his decision has very little to do with him or those around him. His actions show that the answer to one question decides everything.

Will Hillary be indicted?

Dig if you will this picture. Hillary rolls to victory through the primaries. Before the convention, she is indicted. They head into the Democratic convention with a nominee under huge pressure to withdraw. Who could possibly step in and save their Party?

Could it be Obama’s right hand man Joe Biden?

Who else?

Biden could walk into the Presidential campaign as the Democratic nominee without spending a dime or even competing in a primary of a single state.

Dig picture 2.

Biden enters the race and proceeds to lose to Hillary all Spring long. Hillary gets indicted. Who could possibly step in?

Not Joe Biden. He spent the whole year losing primaries. Joe always loses primaries. He’ll get creamed in the general election. Who else can we get?

Joe Biden’s record in presidential primaries is downright abysmal. He knows it.

If there’s a way for him to get a bye to the finals, he’d be nuts not to seriously consider it.

Of course, if Hillary isn’t indicted, Hillary will be the nominee.

I don’t think Biden wants to risk losing again, especially when he might just be able to skip the whole process and cruise into the nomination via dropout.