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Iran side deal: no outside inspection of Parchin

Less than two weeks ago, I gauged the nuclear deal with Iran, based on what I knew at the time, and declared [1] that “an unreliable ten-year pause in Tehran’s nuclear ambitions is not enough to justify allowing the regime free reign in exporting terrorism and importing military might.”

This week, we found out just how unreliable the deal will be (New York Daily News [2]).

The International Atomic Energy Agency agreed to allow Iran to provide its own photos, videos and soil samples at the Parchin military complex, The Associated Press reported.

The agency would oversee and review the work of the Iranians, but the agency’s inspectors would not have access to Parchin, according to a draft of the side deal cited by The AP.

Inspectors suspect Iran has used Parchin to test detonators for nuclear weapons.

But wait, there’s more!

The agreement allows Iran to take “into account military concerns” in deciding what information on Parchin to provide to inspectors.

In other words, the mullahcracy can (1) present whatever they want to the IAEA and call it legit, and (2) hold back whatever they want for “military concerns.”

In effect, no one can be certain that Tehran is actually holding up its end of the deal until they openly defy it by becoming a nuclear power, at which point it’s already too late.

I would humbly submit that even if the mullahs are genuine, the thawed assets, ability to acquire conventional weapons (in 5 years), and the free pass on ballistic missiles (in 8) are too high of a price to pay. With nothing to keep Tehran from cheating, that price rises even higher into unacceptable territory.

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