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Bernie goes to Liberty

In a sign that’s he’s feeling a bit confident of his message — and show that he’s not afraid to talk to people who may not agree with him — Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders will be speaking at Liberty University’s Convocation in September [1]:

“Liberty University was kind enough to invite me to address a convocation and I decided to accept,” Mr. Sanders said in a statement his spokesman provided. “It goes without saying that my views on many issues — women’s rights, gay rights, education and many other issues — are very different from the opinions of some in the Liberty University community. I think it is important, however, to see if we can reach consensus regarding the grotesque level of income and wealth inequality in our country, about the collapse of the middle class, about the high level of childhood poverty, about climate change and other issues.”

He added: “It is very easy for a candidate to speak to people who hold the same views. It’s harder but important to reach out to others who look at the world differently. I look forward to meeting with the students and faculty of Liberty University.”

Good on Liberty for inviting the Vermont Senator. It’s increasingly rare for universities to invite campus speakers who might cause a mild stir among the student body — or, heaven forbid — force students to think.

As for Sen. Sanders…it’s not likely he will find much of the common ground, but this is a big leap for him. I’ve written previously that his chances of being successful in the South are slim. Socialists have traditionally been ill-received in the region. However, by going into what Democrats perceive as a lion’s den, he’s giving himself a boost. Would Mrs. Clinton be seen south of Route 50? Would Jim Webb be seen anywhere at all (and if he was, would anyone notice)?

No. So this will be interesting — of a kind with Rand Paul’s visits to Howard University [2]. Paul didn’t exactly win many (or perhaps any) converts to his banner with those visits, but he went.

And yes — this shows, again, that Virginia is the key to the White House.