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Trumping Gawker

Credit where it’s due — Donald Trump has his cell phone number published by the odious trolls at Gawker, and he turns it to his advantage [1]:

A day after Gawker.com published the 2016 Republican presidential candidate and real estate mogul’s cellphone number, Trump tweeted it out.

On Monday the cellphone had a rather generic message and went to straight to voicemail. On Tuesday the phone still went to voicemail but this time it directed callers to Trump’s campaign.

“Hi this is Donald Trump and I’m running for the presidency of the United States of America,” the new voicemail message said. “With your help and support, together, we can make America truly great again. Visit me on Twitter at @realdonaldtrump and check out my campaign website at www.donaldtrump.com. Hope to see you on the campaign trail. We’re going to do it.”

Very well played.