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New shock poll shows Foreman/Surovell SD36 a virtual tie

In an exclusive poll released to Bearing Drift, Dumfries Mayor Jerry Foreman is down by 2% points to Delegate Scott Surovell in the Senate District 36. This race, considered a sleeper from the start, may have just got a lot hotter.

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Surovell is ahead in Fairfax County, while Foreman has a formidable lead in Prince William County and in Stafford County. More importantly, Mayor Foreman leads with independents 41%-33%. More Democrats than Republicans were polled, and Terry McAliuffe polled strongly in SD36. This does not look good for Mr. Surovell.

Surovell [1] has served in the House of Delegates since 2009. In the last election, Surovell drew no opponent and won with over 70% of the vote. The 36th Senate District Seat is currently held by retiring Senator Toddy Puller, who won her last election with 55% of the vote.

Mayor Jerry [2] Foreman [3], a veteran with 25 years’ experience with the United States Marine Corps, has served as the Mayor of Dumfries since 2012. Prior to that, Mayor Foreman was a member of the Town Council of Dumfries.

His Campaign Manager had this to say to Bearing Drift:

” We are pleased to see results which reflect what we are hearing in the district. 

It’s clear that Mayor Foreman’s commitment door to door campaigning, and his record as a local Mayor who has significantly reduced tax rates, promoted policies to help businesses grow, and fought for decisive action on Route 1 improvements is resonating with voters. We are encouraged by these numbers and it’s clear that momentum is on our side in this race. “

This may signal trouble for Surovell in the PWC and Stafford portion of the district, since he has represented only Fairfax in his time in the House. Foreman has been a popular mayor elected outside of Fairfax County, so that may play into his favor.

It’s a long way to November, but this is a positive sign for the Foreman campaign. Time for them to roll up their sleeves and hit the doors!