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Barbara Comstock has Democrats panicking with HUGE fundraising haul

Rep. Barbara Comstock, a first-term incumbent from Loudon County, has not wasted any time since coming to Congress. According to the Washington Post, during her first six months in Congress, Barbara Comstock raised over $1.1 million dollars for her reelection campaign and has $850K+ cash on hand.

In her first term, Comstock has been appointed chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Research and Technology for the Science, Space, and Technology Committee.  She has been on the forefront of issues in her district by calling for the resignation of the Office of Personnel Management [1] Administrator and Metrorail issues.  [2] At the same time, Barbara found the time to campaign and raise $1+ million in six months (even though the next election isn’t for another 16 months).

RPV John Whitbeck Chairman had this to say to the Washington Post: [3]

“Democrats simply do not have an answer for Congresswoman Comstock,” John Whitbeck, chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia, said in an e-mail. “Barbara has won five races in five years, and her ability to already raise over $1.1 million this election cycle demonstrates that like in past campaigns, she is already bringing together a strong and broad coalition of supporters. And whoever challenges her is in danger of being embarrassed like her previous opponent at the polls.”

The story here is not the praise she is getting from Republicans, but the vicious attacks Democrats are throwing her way. They do not yet have a declared candidate for the 10th District election next year, but the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee was quick to attack Comstock.

“Even with no challenger in the race, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has targeted her in a flurry of news releases, one of which recently called her a “One-Term-Wonder.”

“Barbara Comstock is going to need every penny to try to hide her true record from Virginia voters,” said DCCC spokeswoman Meredith Kelly. “She claims to care about the advancement of women but wants to restrict their health care rights. She claims to champion fixing Northern Virginia’s transportation system but has continually voted to gut transportation funding. No amount of money can masquerade her reckless and irresponsible positions.”

Blue Virginia [4] then broke into a full-blown panic.

So here’s the thing, if Democrats don’t recruit a super strong candidate soon, our chances of beating Comstock next year will start looking shaky at best. And here’s the other thing, if Comstock wins reelection next year, she’ll be entrenched in there and good luck ever defeating her (she’s ambitious, too, and could run for higher office – U.S. Senate, Governor, even President). So what’s the plan by the “Blue Team”? Got me.

Since entering Congress, Comstock has continued her leadership for the commonwealth. She voted to repeal the medical device tax [5]death tax [6], and Obamacare [7]. Comstock also supported the Keystone XL pipeline. She voted in favor of the 20-week abortion ban, causing EMILY’s list to put the Congresswoman “On Notice” for 2016 (which should be a badge of honor for Comstock).

While she maintains a solid conservative record, Rep. Comstock hasn’t been afraid to vote in favor of her district instead the far right-wing. She has been on the forefront of Metrorail issues, even leading the Public Transportation Caucus [8] in her first term. She isn’t scared to do what is right for her district, and unlike some in the Republican Party, I applaud her for putting her constituents first.

On top of all that, Barbara is constantly and consistently campaigning. She maintains a tougher campaign schedule than most incumbents in an actual election year. Recently, she spent most of the day knocking doors for Dranesville Board of Supervisors candidate, Jennifer Chronis. Barbara has campaigned so much, the Washington Post [9] had this to say a few months ago.

“A savvy and inexhaustible campaigner, Comstock is trying to cultivate the same loyalty, even though she lacks the seniority her predecessor held.”

Barbara is campaigning like she has an opponent, IN AN OFF YEAR.  I wish all of our candidates would campaign and work half as hard as Mrs. Comstock.