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So Much For Unity Among Virginia Republicans…

The call for unity barely lasted two weeks.

Not one, not two, but three wayward conservative members of the U.S. House of Representatives, namely Rep. Robert Hurt (VA-05), Rep. Scott Rigell (VA-02), and newly minted Rep. Barbara Comstock (VA-10) are being targeted for defeat by the Virginia Vision PAC citing Mark Levin’s heavily promoted Conservative Review (sic) “Liberty Ratings” — which mysteriously give Dave Brat an A after his vote against free trade:

Virginia-Vision [1]

One will immediately note that most of the Virginia delegation gets Ds and Fs, and that the lowest scored aren’t always the ones primed for defeat — which makes the selection here all the more telling.

Rigell and Hurt, it should be noted, had been trading the American Conservative Union’s top spot for most conservative member of the Virginia delegation until Rep. Goodlatte managed to steal the crown.

So who is Virginia Vision PAC?  A bit of investigation reveals some interesting names and telephone numbers.  Needless to say, those associated with the PAC clearly have chosen one side over the other.

RPV’s State Central Committee meets on 27 June to determine the method of nomination over the weekend, as well as to discuss other matters of import.