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Cosmo says Carly is no feminist

While innocently browsing my Twitter feed, I found a link to this item [1]out of that magazine known for its political reporting, Cosmopolitan. The author takes great issue with Carly Fiorina’s views on what constitutes a good feminist:

“A feminist is a woman who lives the life she chooses,” Fiorina said. “A woman may choose to have five children and home-school them. She may choose to become a CEO, or run for president.”

Sounds good to me. But I’m not up on the gender wars from two generations ago. Apparently, what Fiorina said was heresy of the highest order. Among the charges:

Feminist aims also include economic equality. Women’s roles have long been circumscribed, situated in the home, and women themselves saw their legal status as individuals suspended as soon as they married and, later, defined tangentially to men with fewer rights of their own (even today, lots of women disappear themselves into their husbands upon marriage, changing their identity from Jane Smith to Mrs. John Doe). You don’t turn around centuries of keeping women in the private sphere simply by allowing women to enter the workplace. Women need basic workplace protections and rights, including parental leave, the ability to combat pay discrimination, and, since “women’s work” is systematically undervalued and women make up a disproportionate share of low-wage workers, a fair minimum wage.

Yes, yes, the catechism of the Left, which Fiorina explicitly rejects.

But I would be willing to give the Cosmo folks the benefit of the doubt on this, had not this image popped-up and blocked the text entirely as I was reading through the article:

Cosmo ad [2]

Um, yeah.

Thanks for the lesson in cognitive dissonance, Cosmo. Maybe stick to “How To Casually Bump Into a Guy…On Purpose.”