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BREAKING: Sen. Ted Cruz Endorses Haley in SEN-12

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Team Haley had been dangling a huge endorsement over the last week.  Needless to say, they delivered.

Vince Haley remarks on his endorsement by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX):

“I am thrilled to have received such a powerful endorsement by a known and trusted conservative leader such as Senator Ted Cruz. It shows that even national politicians understand the importance of State Legislatures standing up to the lawlessness of the Obama Administration.”

If there was any doubt that the Haley campaign decided last-minute to pivot towards immigration, those doubts are now fully removed:

Hi this is Senator Ted Cruz, and I am calling to encourage you to vote for Vince Haley to be your next State Senator.

Down in Texas we understand first hand the need to secure the border and to stand up against President Obama’s unconstitutional amnesty plan. Vince Haley does as well. He is a Constitutional conservative.  The only way to reignite the promise of America, to turn our nation around, is for us to elect strong conservatives at every level of government.

Your conservative choice for State Senate is Vince Haley.

On Tuesday, June 9th, please vote Vince Haley to be your next State Senator.  

Thank you and God bless you.

So there it is — national level firepower in the endorsements from Newt Gingrich and Ted Cruz.

The real question becomes whether or not Janis’ lead is insurmountable at this rate, and whether Dunnavant’s attack ads on immigration have hurt Janis enough to make him vulnerable on the issue.

Doubtful at best.

Of course, one cannot help but notice that Dunnavant’s attacks played right into the hands of Haley’s change of narrative.  Funny how that works, eh?