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Unsafe Abortion Clinics Get To Stay Open, Profit Under McAuliffe

pp_moneybag_300px [1]In a move that shocked and surprised no one, McAuliffe’s hand picked Board of Health decided that the law shouldn’t be enforced regarding safety standards [2] in abortion facilities:

“It’s absolutely wonderful that the women of Virginia know that those facilities will be in place,” said Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia Executive Director Cianti Stewart-Reid.


Planned Parenthood — the fast-food chain of abortion clinics — doesn’t have to worry about bringing up their abortion clinics to the safety standards of modern dentistry… that and McAuliffe simply doing the bidding of his major donors in the abortion industry:

“Well we know that ultimately Governor McAuliffe received oodles of money from the abortion industry in his campaign, and that this is ultimately all a politically-motivated effort,” said Family Foundation of Virginia President Victoria Cobb.

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“This is about the health and safety of women, and every woman should be able to trust that any facility that they walk into, is going to be safe,” Cobb said.

Of course, there’s more than a few reasons why Democrats would prefer the doors to stay wide open on Planned Parenthood.  After all, it’s a lucrative business [3]:

Johnson tells National Review Online that the quota doubled from 2009 to 2010, while she had believed at the time that Planned Parenthood wanted to reduce it. After expressing her concerns to her supervisor, Johnson told The Daily Caller, her supervisor laughed and replied, “But Abby, abortion is how we make our money.”

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In its last annual report, Planned Parenthood reported performing 327,166 abortions and receiving $540.6 million in taxpayer funding, or nearly $1.5 million per day. It also reported $58.2 million in excess revenue and over $1.3 billion in net assets.

$1.3 billion in assets, and millions of dollars in profit.  Taxpayer-fueled profits, one might add.

The good news?  Pro-lifers are in the majority, and the taste for abortion in the generation rising just isn’t the same as their aging parents and grandparents.

It’ll come.