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Virginia Society For Human Life Endorses Steve Martin in SEN-11

Steve MartinState Senator Steve Martin just got a boost from the Virginia Society for Human Life in a rather rare endorsement.  No official text as of yet, but the Martin campaign has been very aggressive in sharing the news [1] on social media.

This is a race where folks are hearing some rumbling and stumbling, as the Richmond Times-Dispatch endorsed challenger Amanda Chase while the other challenger Barry Moore seems to be rising according to reports from within the district.

Don’t be surprised if Martin emerges just fine.  Insiders are saying that Martin is riding pretty tall in the saddle, with comfortable voter ID numbers and looking forward to next Tuesday.

However, opposite ends of the spectrum say that Moore is climbing somewhat… and if Chase is able to whittle away at Martin’s base, then things could get interesting.

…or not.

UPDATE:  Team Martin was kind enough to pass along the text of the VSHL-PAC endorsement:

Through your advocacy and public service, you have shown a commitment to advancing and defending pro-life principles. We are grateful for your steadfast support of a legislative agenda that protects the right to life of all Virginians. Thus, you deserve the support of voters who are concerned with the right to life and the protection of the most vulnerable members of the human family.

You can read the rest of it here [2].